Developer Diaries 07
November was a great month, I liked it a lot. It was about remembering my values, being able to choose with whom I work and great teamwork.
👨🏻💻 Work
This month I once again noticed that it's incredible that I can work with people who share the same work habits and principles as me. They deny a lot that doesn't fit into these values we have in common.
I can say no to work that contradicts my work ethic, which is a huge privilege, and I'm more than grateful for that.
In November, I was on the edge of finalizing a great project with my friend Tobi. It will be released in December, and I'm pleased about the outcome. Working together with Tobi is the most fun and motivational. We have a great workflow and are both experts in our field, which is a powerful combination.
We already have fantastic projects planned for the next year, and I can't wait to get started on them. If you also want to start a project and need two great guys who're able to help you with that, check out the website of our collective Opens in new tab.
Besides that, I worked on the aerosol alliance website for the first time since the summer. We did a silent go-live a few months ago and are slowly sending people to it. It's a great project for a great cause, and I'm thrilled I can help these guys.
📝 Blog Posts of the month
I dedicated less time to writing this month. On the one hand, I missed it, and on the other hand, it felt good to use this time for other stuff. I'm not sure how to deal with it next month. We'll see. Here are the blog posts for November 2022:
🎓 TIL Posts of the month
Here are the Today-I-learned posts for November 2022:
🏋🏻♀️ Fitness
I can't believe I'm saying this, but: I started running again! I quit it over ten years ago because my knees always hurt. I'm willing to give it another chance now. I started slow to protect my knees, but it felt amazing running on the beach in the Netherlands.
Besides that, I'm doing a mix of yoga and bodyweight fitness almost every morning, which feels like the perfect combination.
Here are my apple watch rings from November 2022:

📚 Reading
I only finished one book this month; I wasn't so motivated to read. I'm not sure if the book I read was the reason or that I was often too tired to read.
The book I finished was something special. It includes highly controversial and horrible topics and is not your usual read. Nevertheless, it has an interesting story. I'm not sure what to make of it yet.
🕹Video Games
In November, the new Pokemon games for the Nintendo Switch were released, which I anticipated very much. So we bought both editions, Violet and Scarlet, so my wife and I could play simultaneously.
I'm not sure if I like it so far; it has a lot of bugs and looks not too good. But in the end, it's Pokemon, which I love.
I did listen to podcasts, but nothing tech related. I don't know what to do with this category; my motivation to listen to developer podcasts is insignificant.
🔔 A special note
You may have noticed the name change! I was never too sure about the title "web developer diary." However, I like the new one more and want to try it out. Let's see where this lead.
That's it for November 2022. See you next month!
I hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me via Email Opens in new tab.
If you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee. I would be very happy about it!
☕️ Buy me a coffee ☕️I wish you a wonderful day! Marco