
Developer Diaries 13

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👨🏻‍💻 Work

May was pieced with many public holidays, which meant working only three days a week often. I know I could work on those public holidays because I'm my own boss, but it felt great to take these breaks, and my wife didn't have to work on these days anyway, so we took the opportunity.

I was part of a great and exciting project where we built a collaboration mode for a website, and it was a lot of fun learning to work with web sockets.

Besides that, I finally became part of the Prismic developer program Opens in new tab, which feels great. A lot of people reached out through that already.

📝 Blog Posts of the Month

Compared to the prior month, this month, I wrote a lot. I had more inspiration and fun with it again, and I have a lot of new ideas I'm going to write about in the following weeks. Here are the blog posts for May 2023:

🎓 TIL Posts of the month

Here are the Today I Learned posts for May 2023:

🏡 Life

Sommer is here, and it's fantastic. We have a big terrace where we can enjoy sunrises and sundowners. Compared to a year ago, were we still lived in the city and our view was the neighbor's wall, this is such a significant upgrade for us, and I feel that we made a lot of right choices.

Additionally, I'm having a lot of fernweh. Our first big holiday is at the end of July, and I can't wait to get there. I'm so happy for all my friends who are traveling right now and I can't stop to listen to there stories about it. But I'm also looking forward to our holiday in July.

🏋🏻‍♀️ Fitness

I'm feeling good and strong lately. I follow a great mix of bodyweight fitness to gain strength and endurance workouts. I started cycling again, and it felt so much like total freedom to me. I just jump on my bike and ride. I often notice afterward that that's when I almost don't think. I'm focused and in the moment, and that feels fantastic.

📚 Reading

I read two books last month. The first one is:

My first book by blake crouch was Recursion which I read last year. I started dreaming about it, which shows me how much I was invested in the story. It made me think a lot about the topics it's about, and it can break your head.

This one is similar. In the most basic terms, it's about the existence of parallel universes, and reading a story about it makes you question so much that it's complex and fascinating at the same time.

The second book was:

The book started too slow for me. I had a few times when I wanted to put it away. I'm glad I didn't. The second half is brutal. Not an easy read if you love animals.

🕹Video Games

It's Zelda - Tears of the Kingdom all over the place! I never finished Breath of the Wild because, at the time, I was oversaturated with open-world games. But now I'm having so much fun with it, and all the sounds trigger many nostalgic feelings back from 2018. I love it!

That's it for the developer diaries in May 2023. See you next month!

I hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me via Email Opens in new tab.

If you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee. I would be very happy about it!

☕️ Buy me a coffee ☕️

I wish you a wonderful day! Marco